Friday, May 15, 2015

It has been two years since I posted on this blog. I have since had a baby (Asher, who is now 2.5 and WILD), rearranged my house a few times, broken all those beautiful rules I made previously about household things having their own homes (and if not, throwing them out). I have been the Hospitality Coordinator for the MOPS group at my church (Moms Of PreSchoolers), helped run a homeschool PreK co-op with friends, and spent the first half of this school year teaching Emery at home.

Sometimes I would think about my blog and wish I had time to write and keep up with it all, but it just didn't happen. I'm hoping to turn over a new leaf, even if it means I post once a week (or twice a month, for that matter). I don't know if I'll grow a "readership" or "following," but writing helps me process, and there are some people I know who aren't on Facebook who would like to know what's going on in my life and my children's lives now and then.

I can already tell this is going to be difficult (yet fun), since while I'm typing Asher is crawling onto my lap saying, "Hol' me... hol' me!" I'll have to limit myself to post-bedtime posts, at least for now.

Wish me luck! :-D