Sunday, August 5, 2012

Who doesn't love bathtime?

I've come to the conclusion that hot, sticky, humid days are just as bad as rainy days when it comes to keeping a toddler entertained. Poor Emery just wants to go to the playground--the heat doesn't bother her so much. But I'm in my third trimester, and even armed with an ice-cold bottle of water and dressed in my lightest clothing the heat is still unbearable to me. This may be the first year that I'm actually looking forward to Fall!

Thankfully I've been browsing the web in my spare time for things to keep Emery and I busy. I stumbled upon another blog which listed 75 activities for kids (ironically we have the same background for our blog). The very first activity the author has listed is glow sticks in the bathtub, and I thought, why have I never tried that before?!

So tonight, as the sky darkened with storm and Emery and I ran low on pre-bedtime fun, we scooted upstairs, covered the window with a towel, filled the bathtub, and a new source of bathtime entertainment was discovered.

Needless to say, I'm pretty sure my next shopping list for the Dollar Tree will include a few more packs of these incredibly versatile wands of amusement.

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